C1.DataCollection Assembly / C1.DataCollection Namespace / ISupportRangeEditing<T> Interface

In This Topic
ISupportRangeEditing<T> Interface Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see ISupportRangeEditing<T> members.

Public Methods
 MethodDetermines whether a new item can be inserted in the collection at the specified index. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodDetermines whether a new range of items can be inserted in the collection at the specified startingIndex.  
 MethodDetermines whether the item at fromIndex can be moved to toIndex. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodDetermines whether the item at fromIndex can be moved to toIndex.  
 MethodDetermines whether the item at the specified index can be removed from the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodDetermines whether a range of items at the specified startingIndex can be removed from the collection.  
 MethodDetermines whether the item at the specified index can be replaced in the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodDetermines whether the items starting at the specified startingIndex can be replaced in the collection.  
 MethodInserts the specified item at the specified index in the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodInserts the specified items at the specified startingIndex in the collection.  
 MethodMoves an item from the specified fromIndex to toIndex. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodMoves the items starting at the specified fromIndex to toIndex.  
 MethodRemoves the item at the specified index from the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodRemoves the items at the specified startingIndex from the collection.  
 MethodReplaces the item at the specified index by the specified item. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.ISupportEditing<T>)
 MethodReplaces the items starting at the specified startingIndex by the specified items.  
See Also